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Sidewalk Gap Analysis

Generate data for the Sidewalk Gap Analysis Explorer

All of the analyses and export procedures needed for the Sidewalk Gap Analysis Explorer can be run with the following command:

make sidewalk-gaps-map

This command will run for a number of hours, and bundles a number of commands in sequence.

Bundled Commands

Identify the sidewalk coverage of every OSM centerline:

gaps classify-osm-sw-coverage

Clean up the OSM feature tags to help filter the output for the webmap:

gaps scrub-osm-tags

Identify portions of the sidewalk network that form discrete "islands":

gaps identify-islands

Run a routing analysis to transit stops of all modes across the region:

access sw-default

Run a routing analysis to all public and private schools across the region:

access eta-schools

Export geojson data for the school, transit, island, and centerline analyses:

db export-geojson gaps

Identify the walksheds around every rail station across the region using the sidewalk network and then the OpenStreetMap network:

access sw-access-score

access osm-access-score

Turn the OSM and sidewalk rail station analyses into polygon isochrones:

gaps isochrones-accessscore

Export the rail station isochrones to geojson:

db export-geojson accessscore

Turn the exported geojson files into a single vector tileset for the web map:

db make-vector-tiles gaps sidewalk_gap_analysis