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Installation & Setup

Clone the git repo and build with local files

Clone the repo, cd into the new folder, and build the Python environment with conda.

git clone
cd network-routing
conda env create -f environment.yml

After installing the dependencies the environment.yml file will install the network_routing package via pip install --editable . which will allow you to modify the source code locally.

Create the PostGIS database

Using whatever tooling you're most comfortable with, create a PostgreSQL database locally and enable PostGIS within it by running:


Create configuration file

This analysis requires a file named .env that defines the Postgres database URL and a Google Drive folder path.

You can place this file wherever you intend to run the analysis from. It should look like this:


If the pg_dump executable in your Python environment does not match the Postgres server version you're running, you'll need to define a full path to the specific version of pg_dump that matches your server version. For example, on a Mac with installed, you should set PG_DUMP_PATH to this:


Activate the virtual environment

Although you only need to install and create the .env file once, you'll always need to activate the environment before running any commands.

conda activate network_routing
source ./env/bin/activate