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Technical Reference


  1. About
  2. 1a. Getting started
  3. Output abbreviations
  4. Project structure
  5. Setup
  6. Dependencies
  7. Fields
  8. Year
  9. States
  10. Counties
  11. Census API key
  12. Functions
    1. Override base and stats function defaults
    2. Create custom half-standard deviation breaks
    3. Exception
    4. Move column or vector of columns to last position
    5. Summarize data
  13. Variance replicate table download
  14. Download variance replicates from Census website
  15. Combine and format downloads
  16. Variance replicate table processing
  17. Compute racial minority count MOE
  18. Save results
  19. ACS estimates download
  20. Fields
  21. Download counts and universes from Census API 1. Exception
  22. Download percentages from Census API
  23. Format downloads 1. Exception 2. Exception 3. Exception
  24. ACS estimates calculations
  25. Percentages and percentage MOEs 1. Calculation 2. Result 3. Exception 4. Exception
  26. Percentile 1. Calculation 2. Result
  27. IPD score and classification 1. Calculation 2. Result
  28. Composite IPD score
    1. Calculation
  29. ACS estimates cleaning
  30. Summary tables
  31. Counts by indicator
  32. Breaks by indicator
  33. Summary by indicator
  34. County means by indicator
  35. Replacing NA with NoData if character and -99999 if numeric
  36. Export
  37. Append to TIGER/LINE file
  38. Export files
  39. Metadata table with sources

1. About

DVRPC's IPD analysis identifies populations of interest under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act and the Executive Order on Environmental Justice (#12898) using 2016–2020 American Community Survey (ACS) five-year estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau. IPD analysis assists both DVRPC and outside organizations in equity work by identifying populations of interest, including youth, older adults, female, racial minority, ethnic minority, foreign-born, limited English proficiency, disabled, and low-income populations at the census tract level in DVRPC's nine-county region.

There are many ways of identifying these populations of interest. This document discusses DVRPC's process, which is automated in an R script.

1a. Getting started

For guidance on software prerequisites and how to run this script, see the

1b. Output abbreviations

Components of field names that you'll see in outputs and throughout the script.

Component Equivalent
D Disabled
EM Ethnic Minority
F Female
FB Foreign-Born
LEP Limited English Proficiency
LI Low-Income
OA Older Adults
RM Racial Minority
Y Youth
CntEst Count Estimate
CntMOE Count MOE
PctEst Percentage Estimate
PctMOE Percentage MOE
Pctile Percentile
Score Score
Class Classification

Abbreviations of field names that you'll see in outputs not comprised of the above components.

Abbreviation Equivalent
GEOID Census Tract Identifier
NAME Census Tract FIPS Code
IPD_Score Composite IPD Score
U_TPopEst Total Population Estimate
U_TPopMOE Total Population MOE
U_Pop5Est Population 5+ Estimate
U_Pop5MOE Population 5+ MOE
U_PPovEst Poverty Status Population Estimate
U_PPovMOE Poverty Status Population MOE
U_PNICEst Non-Institutional Civilian Population Estimate
U_PNICMOE Non-Institutional Civilian Population MOE

1c. Project structure

This script uses relative file paths based off the location of ipd.Rproj. As long as you download the entire repository, the script should have no trouble locating the correct subfolders. All of the subsequent years files are based on the same architecture. The project is structured as follows:


2. Setup

2a. Dependencies

The following packages are required to run this script. If you don't have the packages, you'll get the warning Error in library (<name of package>) : there is no package called '<name of package>', in which case you'll need to install the package before proceeding.

library(plyr); library(here); library(sf); library(summarytools);
library(tidycensus); library(tidyverse); library(tigris); library(dplyr); library(descr);

2b. Fields

The base information we need for IPD analysis are universes, counts, and percentages for nine indicators at the census tract level. For each indicator, the table below shows the indicator name, its abbreviation used in the script, its universe, its count, and its percentage field if applicable. Find a list of histoic variables below:

Field year_2015 year_2016 year_2017 year_2018 year_2019 year_2020 year_2021
disabled_universe S1810_C01_001 S1810_C01_001 S1810_C01_001 S1810_C01_001 S1810_C01_001 S1810_C01_001 S1810_C01_001
disabled_count S1810_C02_001 S1810_C02_001 S1810_C02_001 S1810_C02_001 S1810_C02_001 S1810_C02_001 S1810_C02_001
disabled_percent S1810_C03_001 S1810_C03_001 S1810_C03_001 S1810_C03_001 S1810_C03_001 S1810_C03_001 S1810_C03_001
ethnic_minority_universe B03002_001 B03002_001 B03002_001 B03002_001 B03002_001 B03002_001 B03002_001
ethnic_minority_count B03002_012 B03002_012 B03002_012 B03002_012 B03002_012 B03002_012 B03002_012
ethnic_minority_percent NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
female_universe S0101_C01_001 S0101_C01_001 S0101_C01_001 S0101_C01_001 S0101_C01_001 S0101_C01_001 S0101_C01_001
female_count S0101_C03_001 S0101_C03_001 S0101_C05_001 S0101_C05_001 S0101_C05_001 S0101_C05_001 S0101_C05_001
female_percent DP05_0003PE DP05_0003PE DP05_0003PE DP05_0003PE DP05_0003PE DP05_0003PE DP05_0003PE
foreign_born_universe B05012_001 B05012_001 B05012_001 B05012_001 B05012_001 B05012_001 B05012_001
foreign_born_count B05012_003 B05012_003 B05012_003 B05012_003 B05012_003 B05012_003 B05012_003
foreign_born_percent NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
limited_english_proficiency_universe S1601_C01_001 S1601_C01_001 S1601_C01_001 S1601_C01_001 S1601_C01_001 S1601_C01_001 S1601_C01_001
limited_english_proficiency_count S1601_C05_001 S1601_C05_001 S1601_C05_001 S1601_C05_001 S1601_C05_001 S1601_C05_001 S1601_C05_001
limited_english_proficiency_percent S1601_C06_001 S1601_C06_001 S1601_C06_001 S1601_C06_001 S1601_C06_001 S1601_C06_001 S1601_C06_001
low_income_universe S1701_C01_001 S1701_C01_001 S1701_C01_001 S1701_C01_001 S1701_C01_001 S1701_C01_001 S1701_C01_001
low_income_count S1701_C01_042 S1701_C01_042 S1701_C01_042 S1701_C01_042 S1701_C01_042 S1701_C01_042 S1701_C01_042
low_income_percent NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
older_adults_universe S0101_C01_001 S0101_C01_001 S0101_C01_001 S0101_C01_001 S0101_C01_001 S0101_C01_001 S0101_C01_001
older_adults_count DP05_0025E DP05_0025E DP05_0025E S0101_C01_030 S0101_C01_030 S0101_C01_030 S0101_C01_030
older_adults_percent S0101_C02_028 S0101_C02_028 S0101_C02_030 S0101_C02_030 S0101_C02_030 S0101_C02_030 S0101_C02_030
racial_minority_universe B02001_001 B02001_001 B02001_001 B02001_001 B02001_001 B02001_001 B02001_001
racial_minority_count B02001_002 B02001_002 B02001_002 B02001_002 B02001_002 B02001_002 B02001_002
racial_minority_percent NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
youth_universe B03002_001 B03002_001 B03002_001 B03002_001 B03002_001 B03002_001

Some percentage fields are empty. This is okay: we will compute the percentages when they are not directly available from the ACS.

Note that variable B02001_002 ("Estimate; Total: - White alone") is listed as the count for Racial Minority. This is a mathematical shortcut: otherwise, we would need to add several subfields to compute the same estimate. The desired count is B02001_001 (Universe) \(-\) B02001_002 ("Estimate; Total: - White alone"). The subtraction is computed after download in Section 5d.i., making a correct estimate and an incorrect MOE. The correct MOE for the count, as calculated in Section 4, will be appended later.

Indicator Abbreviation Universe Count Percentage
Disabled D S1810_C01_001 S1810_C02_001 S1810_C03_001
Ethnic Minority EM B03002_001 B03002_012 N/A
Female F S0101_C01_001 S0101_C05_001 DP05_0003PE
Foreign-Born FB B05012_001 B05012_003 N/A
Limited English Proficiency LEP S1601_C01_001 S1601_C05_001 S1601_C06_001
Low-Income LI S1701_C01_001 S1701_C01_042 N/A
Older Adults OA S0101_C01_001 S0101_C01_030 S0101_C02_030
Racial Minority RM B02001_001 B02001_002 N/A
Youth Y B03002_001 B09001_001 N/A

While it's quicker to embed the names of the desired columns into the code, fields are explicitly spelled out in this script. This is a purposeful design choice. The user should check that the field names point to the correct API request with every IPD update. The best way to check the field names is to visit Census Developers and select the corresponding API. For a history of the ACS variables used in IPD 2015, 2016, and 2017, see variables.csv in the documentation folder or in the table above.

2c. Year

The data download year.

ipd_year <- 2017

2d. States

The data download state or states. Use the two-character text abbreviation.

ipd_states <- c("NJ", "PA")

2e. Counties

The counties in your study area. Use five-digit characters concatenating the two-digit state and three-digit county GEOID's.

ipd_counties <- c("34005", "34007", "34015", "34021",
                  "42017", "42029", "42045", "42091", "42101")

2f. Census API Key

Placeholder if you have never installed an API key before. If this is your first time accessing the Census API using R, see

# Census API Key
census_api_key("YOUR API KEY GOES HERE", install = TRUE)


2g. Functions

Load custom functions.

2g.i. Override base and stats function defaults

A time-saver so that it's not required to call na.rm = TRUE every time common functions are called.

min <- function(i, ..., na.rm = TRUE) {
  base::min(i, ..., na.rm = na.rm)
mean <- function(i, ..., na.rm = TRUE) {
  base::mean(i, ..., na.rm = na.rm)
sd <- function(i, ..., na.rm = TRUE) {
  stats::sd(i, ..., na.rm = na.rm)
max <- function(i, ..., na.rm = TRUE) {
  base::max(i, ..., na.rm = na.rm)

2g.ii. Create custom half-standard deviation breaks

For a given vector of numbers x and a number of bins i, st_dev_breaks computes the bin breaks starting at $-0.5 \cdot st dev$ and $0.5 \cdot st dev$. For the purposes of IPD analysis, i = 5, and st_dev_breaks calculates the minimum, $-1.5 \cdot st dev$, $-0.5 \cdot st dev$, $0.5 \cdot st dev$, $1.5 \cdot st dev$, and maximum values. These values are later used to slice the vector into five bins.

2g.iii. Exception

All minima are coerced to equal zero. If the first bin break ($-1.5 \cdot st dev$) is negative, as happens when the data has a large spread and therefore a large standard deviation, then this bin break is coerced to equal 0.1. In these cases, only estimates of 0 percent will be placed in the bottom bin.

st_dev_breaks <- function(x, i, na.rm = TRUE){
  half_st_dev_count <- c(-1 * rev(seq(1, i, by = 2)),
                         seq(1, i, by = 2))
  if((i %% 2) == 1) {
    half_st_dev_breaks <- sapply(half_st_dev_count,
                                 function(i) (0.5 * i * sd(x)) + mean(x))
    half_st_dev_breaks[[1]] <- 0
    half_st_dev_breaks[[2]] <- ifelse(half_st_dev_breaks[[2]] < 0,
    half_st_dev_breaks[[i + 1]] <- ifelse(max(x) > half_st_dev_breaks[[i + 1]],
                                          max(x), half_st_dev_breaks[[i + 1]])
  } else {
    half_st_dev_breaks <- NA

2g.iv. Move column or vector of columns to last position

The requested schema for IPD data export renames and places all relevant universes in the final columns of the dataset. move_last moves a column or vector of column names to the last position(s) in a data frame. Further reordering is done in the final web application.

move_last <- function(df, last_col) {
  match(c(setdiff(names(df), last_col), last_col), names(df))

2g.v. Summarize data

description tailors the exports from summarytools::descr to create summary tables with the requested fields. $0.5 \cdot st dev$ is returned after $stdev$.

description <- function(i) {
  des <- as.numeric(summarytools::descr(i, na.rm = TRUE,
                                        stats = c("min", "med", "mean", "sd", "max")))
  des <- c(des[1:4], des[4] / 2, des[5])

3. Variance replicate table download

The racial minority indicator is created by summing up several subgroups in ACS Table B03002. This means that the MOE for the count has to be computed. While the ACS has issued guidance on computing the MOE by aggregating subgroups, using the approximation formula can artificially deflate the derived MOE. Variance replicate tables are used instead to account for covariance and compute a more accurate MOE. The MOE computed from variance replicates is substituted in for the racial minority count MOE in Section 5d.ii.

See the Census Bureau's Variance Replicate Tables Documentation for additional guidance on working with variance replicates.

3a. Download variance replicates from Census website

Download, unzip, and read variance replicate tables for Table B02001. Results are combined into a single table called var_rep.

ipd_states_numeric <- fips_codes %>%
  filter(state %in% ipd_states) %>%
  select(state_code) %>% distinct(.) %>% pull(.)
var_rep <- NULL

for (i in 1:length(ipd_states)){
  url <- paste0("",
  temp <- tempfile()
  download.file(url, temp)
  var_rep_i <- read.csv(unzip(temp))
  var_rep <- dplyr::bind_rows(var_rep, var_rep_i)

3b. Combine and format downloads

Subset var_rep for the study area defined in ipd_counties and extract the necessary subgroups.

var_rep <- var_rep %>%
  mutate_at(vars(GEOID), ~(str_sub(., 8, 18))) %>%
  filter(str_sub(GEOID, 1, 5) %in% ipd_counties) %>%
  select(-TBLID, -NAME, -ORDER, -MOE, -CME, -SE) %>%
  filter(TITLE %in% c("Black or African American alone",
                      "American Indian and Alaska Native alone",
                      "Asian alone",
                      "Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone",
                      "Some other race alone",
                      "Two or more races:"))

4. Variance replicate table processing

4a. Compute racial minority count MOE

Add up the racial minority counts into a single count per census tract for the estimate and 80 variance replicates. Separate the resulting data frame into estimates and variance replicates.

num <- var_rep %>% 
  group_by(GEOID) %>%
  summarize_if(is.numeric, ~ sum(.)) %>%
estim <- num %>% select(ESTIMATE)
individual_replicate <- num %>% select(-ESTIMATE)

Compute the variance replicate for the count. GEOIDs are stored as id to be re-appended to the MOEs after they are calculated.

id <- var_rep %>% select(GEOID) %>% distinct(.) %>% pull(.)
sqdiff_fun <- function(v, e) (v - e) ^ 2
sqdiff <- mapply(sqdiff_fun, individual_replicate, estim) 
sum_sqdiff <- sapply(sqdiff, sum) 
variance <- 0.05 * sum_sqdiff
moe <- round(sqrt(variance) * 1.645, 0)

4b. Save results

Save the racial minority MOE.

rm_moe <- cbind(id, moe) %>%
  as_tibble(.) %>%
  rename(GEOID20 = id, RM_CntMOE = moe) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(RM_CntMOE), as.numeric)

5. ACS estimates download

5a. Fields

Fields for downloads from the ACS API were discussed in Section 2b.

5b. Download counts and universes from Census API

Download counts and percentages for each of IPD's nine indicators. Note that the download is for all census tracts in ipd_states.

Input data for IPD comes from ACS Subject Tables, Detailed Tables, and Data Profiles. While one can request all the fields for Subject Tables in one batch, mixing requests for two or more different types of tables will result in failure. For this reason, the counts and universe fields supplied by the user in Section 2b are evaluated for their contents and split into three batches: s_counts for Subject Tables, d_counts for Detailed Tables, and dp_counts for Data Profiles.

The chunk below zips the user-defined calls from the API with the output abbreviations into a data frame called counts_calls and separates the calls into three batches.

counts <- c(disabled_count, disabled_universe,
            ethnic_minority_count, ethnic_minority_universe,
            female_count, female_universe,
            foreign_born_count, foreign_born_universe,
            limited_english_proficiency_count, limited_english_proficiency_universe,
            low_income_count, low_income_universe,
            older_adults_count, older_adults_universe,
            racial_minority_count, racial_minority_universe,
            youth_count, youth_universe)
counts_ids <- c("D_C", "D_U", 
                "EM_C", "EM_U",
                "F_C", "F_U",
                "FB_C", "FB_U",
                "LEP_C", "LEP_U", 
                "LI_C", "LI_U",
                "OA_C", "OA_U", 
                "RM_C", "RM_U", 
                "Y_C", "Y_U")

# Zip count API variables and their appropriate abbreviations together
counts_calls <- tibble(id = counts_ids, api = counts) %>%

# Separate into different types of API requests
s_calls <- counts_calls %>%
  filter(str_sub(api, 1, 1) == "S")  # Summary Tables
d_calls <- counts_calls %>%
  filter(str_sub(api, 1, 1) == "B")  # Detailed Tables
dp_calls <- counts_calls %>%
  filter(str_sub(api, 1, 1) == "D")  # Data Profile

API calls are made separately for ACS Subject Tables, Detailed Tables, and Data Profiles and appended to dl_counts. Sometimes there are no requests for an ACS table type; in these situations, the script bypasses a download attempt. Then, information from counts_calls is used to rename the downloads to the appropriate abbreviation. Please note that ACS surveys 2019 and before make use of the GEOID10 variable.

dl_counts <- NULL

if(length(s_calls$id > 0)){
  s_counts <- get_acs(geography = "tract",
                      state = ipd_states,
                      output = "wide",
                      year = ipd_year,
                      variables = s_calls$api) %>%
  dl_counts <- bind_cols(dl_counts, s_counts)

if(length(d_calls$id > 0)){
  d_counts <- get_acs(geography = "tract",
                      state = ipd_states,
                      output = "wide",
                      year = ipd_year,
                      variables = d_calls$api) %>%
  dl_counts <- left_join(dl_counts, d_counts)

if(length(dp_calls$id > 0)){
  dp_counts <- get_acs(geography = "tract",
                       state = ipd_states,
                       output = "wide",
                       year = ipd_year,
                       variables = dp_calls$api) %>%
  dl_counts <- left_join(dl_counts, dp_counts)

dl_counts <- dl_counts %>%
  rename(GEOID20 = GEOID)

5b.i. Exception

The API does not allow redundant downloads, so universes for Older Adults and Youth are duplicated after download. duplicate_cols identifies duplicate API calls, and combined_rows serves as a crosswalk to duplicate and rename fields.

duplicate_cols <- counts_calls %>% 
  group_by(api) %>% 
  filter(n()>1) %>%
  summarize(orig = id[1],
            duplicator = id[2])

e_paste <- function(i) paste0(i, "E")
m_paste <- function(i) paste0(i, "M")
e_rows <- apply(duplicate_cols, 2, e_paste)
m_rows <- apply(duplicate_cols, 2, m_paste)

combined_rows <- as_tibble(rbind(e_rows, m_rows)) %>%

for(i in 1:length(combined_rows$api)){
  dl_counts[combined_rows$duplicator[i]] <- dl_counts[combined_rows$orig[i]]

5c. Download percentages from Census API

Download percentage tables that are available for four of IPD's nine indicators. We will compute percentages and their associated MOEs for the rest of the dataset later. The procedure is identical to that described in Section 5b.

percs <- c(disabled_percent,

percs_ids <- c("D_P", "EM_P", "F_P", "FB_P", "LEP_P",
               "LI_P", "OA_P", "RM_P", "Y_P")

percs_calls <- tibble(id = percs_ids, api = percs) %>%

s_calls <- percs_calls %>%
  filter(str_sub(api, 1, 1) == "S")

d_calls <- percs_calls %>%
  filter(str_sub(api, 1, 1) == "B")

dp_calls <- percs_calls %>%
  filter(str_sub(api, 1, 1) == "D")

dl_percs <- NULL

if(length(s_calls$id > 0)){
  s_percs <- get_acs(geography = "tract",
                     state = ipd_states,
                     output = "wide",
                     year = ipd_year,
                     variables = s_calls$api) %>%
  dl_percs <- bind_cols(dl_percs, s_percs)

if(length(d_calls$id > 0)){
  d_percs <- get_acs(geography = "tract",
                     state = ipd_states,
                     output = "wide",
                     year = ipd_year,
                     variables = d_calls$api) %>%
  dl_percs <- left_join(dl_percs, d_percs)

if(length(dp_calls$id > 0)){
  dp_percs <- get_acs(geography = "tract",
                      state = ipd_states,
                      output = "wide",
                      year = ipd_year,
                      variables = dp_calls$api) %>%
  dl_percs <- left_join(dl_percs, dp_percs)

dl_percs <- dl_percs %>%
  rename(GEOID20 = GEOID)

# For DP downloads, make sure percs_calls and dl_percs match

percs_calls$api <- str_replace(percs_calls$api, "PE", "")
names(dl_percs) <- str_replace(names(dl_percs), "PE", "E")
names(dl_percs) <- str_replace(names(dl_percs), "PM", "M")

for(i in 1:length(percs_calls$id)){
  names(dl_percs) <- str_replace(names(dl_percs),

5d. Format downloads

Subset dl_counts and dl_percs for DVRPC's nine-county region. Percentages should range from 0 to 100.

dl_counts <- dl_counts %>%
  filter(str_sub(GEOID20, 1, 5) %in% ipd_counties)
dl_percs <- dl_percs %>%
  filter(str_sub(GEOID20, 1, 5) %in% ipd_counties)

5d.i. Exception

Note that variable B02001_002 ("Estimate; Total: - White alone") was downloaded as the count for racial minority. Compute B02001_001 (Universe) - B02001_002 ("Estimate; Total: - White alone") and substitute for RM_CE.

dl_counts <- dl_counts %>% mutate(x = RM_UE - RM_CE) %>%
  select(-RM_CE) %>%
  rename(RM_CE = x)

5d.ii. Exception

Half-standard deviations serve as the classification bins for IPD scores, and including zero-population tracts affects computed standard deviation values. Start by removing the 11 census tracts with zero population.

slicer <- c("34005981802","34005982200","34021980000","42017980000",
            "42101980200", "42101980400","42101980500","42101980600",
            "42101980905","42101980906", "42101989100","42101989200",
dl_counts <- dl_counts %>% filter(!(GEOID20 %in% slicer))
dl_percs <- dl_percs %>% filter(!(GEOID20 %in% slicer))

Here are the first few lines of dl_counts and dl_percs. Notice the naming convention:

  • UE = universe estimate
  • UM = universe MOE
  • CE = count estimate
  • CM = count MOE
  • PE = percentage estimate
  • PM = percentage MOE

We use these strings to select columns, so consistency is key.

6. ACS estimates calculations

For all nine indicators, this section computes:

  • Percentages and percentage MOEs
  • Percentile
  • IPD score and classification
  • Composite IPD score

Split dl_counts into a list named comp for processing and arrange column names in alphabetical order. The name of the list, comp, is a nod to the "component parts" of dl_counts. The structure of comp is similar to a four-tab Excel spreadsheet: for example, comp is the name of the .xlsx file, uni_est is a tab for universe estimates, and uni_est has nine columns and 1,368 rows, where the column is the IPD indicator and the row is the census tract observation.

The order of columns is important because processing is based on vector position. We want to make sure that the first column of every tab corresponds to the Disabled indicator, the second to Ethnic Minority, et cetera.

comp <- list()
comp$uni_est <- dl_counts %>% select(ends_with("UE")) %>% select(sort(tidyselect::peek_vars()))
comp$uni_moe <- dl_counts %>% select(ends_with("UM")) %>% select(sort(tidyselect::peek_vars()))
comp$count_est <- dl_counts %>% select(ends_with("CE")) %>% select(sort(tidyselect::peek_vars()))
comp$count_moe <- dl_counts %>% select(ends_with("CM")) %>% select(sort(tidyselect::peek_vars()))

6a. Percentages and percentage MOEs

6a.i. Calculation

MOEs of the percentage values are obtained using the tidycensus function moe_prop. This chunk mentions r and c several times: continuing the spreadsheet analogy, think of r as the row number and c as the column number for a given spreadsheet tab.

pct_matrix <- NULL
pct_moe_matrix <- NULL
for (c in 1:length(comp$uni_est)){
  pct <- unlist(comp$count_est[,c] / comp$uni_est[,c])
  pct_matrix <- cbind(pct_matrix, pct)
  moe <- NULL
  for (r in 1:length(comp$uni_est$LI_UE)){
    moe_indiv <- as.numeric(moe_prop(comp$count_est[r,c],
    moe <- append(moe, moe_indiv)
  pct_moe_matrix <- cbind(pct_moe_matrix, moe)

6a.ii. Result

pct and pct_moe stores the percentages and associated MOEs for the nine indicator variables. Results are rounded to the tenths place and range from 0 to 100.

pct <- as_tibble(pct_matrix) %>% mutate_all(~ . * 100) %>% mutate_all(round_1)
names(pct) <- str_replace(names(comp$uni_est), "_UE", "_PctEst")
pct_moe <- as_tibble(pct_moe_matrix) %>% mutate_all(~ . * 100) %>% mutate_all(round_1)
names(pct_moe) <- str_replace(names(comp$uni_est), "_UE", "_PctMOE")

6a.iii. Exception

If the percentage MOE equals 0, then overwrite it to equal 0.1. This should be a rare occurence with survey data at the census tract level.

pct_moe <- pct_moe %>% replace(., . == 0, 0.1)

6a.iv. Exception

Substitute percentages and associated MOEs when available. This applies to the older adults, female, limited English proficiency, and disabled variables.

pct <- pct %>% mutate(D_PctEst = dl_percs$D_PE,
                      OA_PctEst = dl_percs$OA_PE,
                      LEP_PctEst = dl_percs$LEP_PE,
                      F_PctEst = dl_percs$F_PE)
pct_moe <- pct_moe %>% mutate(D_PctMOE = dl_percs$D_PM,
                              OA_PctMOE = dl_percs$OA_PM,
                              LEP_PctMOE = dl_percs$LEP_PM,
                              F_PctMOE = dl_percs$F_PM)

6b. Percentile

6b.i. Calculation

Add percentiles (an additional "spreadsheet tab") to comp, making sure to first sort column names alphabetically. Compute the empirical cumulative distribution function for each of the nine indicator variables. The ECDF can range from 0 to 1, where 1 indicates the largest observed percentage.

comp$pct_est <- pct %>% select(sort(tidyselect::peek_vars()))
percentile_matrix <- NULL
for (c in 1:length(comp$uni_est)){
  p <- unlist(comp$pct_est[,c])
  rank <- ecdf(p)(p)
  percentile_matrix <- cbind(percentile_matrix, rank)

6b.ii. Result

percentile stores the percentile for the nine indicator variables. Results are rounded to the hundredths place.

percentile <- as_tibble(percentile_matrix) %>% mutate_all(round_2)
names(percentile) <- str_replace(names(comp$uni_est), "_UE", "_Pctile")

6c. IPD score and classification

Each observation is assigned an IPD score for each indicator. The IPD score for an individual indicator can range from 0 to 4, which corresponds to the following classification and bin breaks:

IPD Score IPD Classification Standard Deviations
0 Well Below Average x \(< -1.5 \cdot stdev\)
1 Below Average \(-1.5 \cdot stdev \leq\) x \(<-0.5 \cdot stdev\)
2 Average \(-0.5 \cdot stdev \leq\) x \(<0.5 \cdot stdev\)
3 Above Average \(0.5 \cdot stdev \leq\) x \(<1.5 \cdot stdev\)
4 Well Above Average x \(\geq 1.5 \cdot stdev\)

6c.i. Calculation

The function st_dev_breaks is called to compute the bin breaks for each indicator. These breaks determine the IPD score stored in score. Note that we divide rounded PctEst columns by unrounded half-standard deviation breaks to compute the score. class is a textual explanation of the IPD score.

score_matrix <- NULL
class_matrix <- NULL
for (c in 1:length(comp$uni_est)){
  p <- unlist(comp$pct_est[,c])
  breaks <- st_dev_breaks(p, 5, na.rm = TRUE)
  score <- case_when(p < breaks[2] ~ 0,
                     p >= breaks[2] & p < breaks[3] ~ 1,
                     p >= breaks[3] & p < breaks[4] ~ 2,
                     p >= breaks[4] & p < breaks[5] ~ 3,
                     p >= breaks[5] ~ 4)
  class <- case_when(score == 0 ~ "Well Below Average",
                     score == 1 ~ "Below Average",
                     score == 2 ~ "Average",
                     score == 3 ~ "Above Average",
                     score == 4 ~ "Well Above Average")
  score_matrix <- cbind(score_matrix, score)
  class_matrix <- cbind(class_matrix, class)

6c.ii. Result

score and class store the IPD scores and associated descriptions for the nine indicator variables.

score <- as_tibble(score_matrix)
names(score) <- str_replace(names(comp$uni_est), "_UE", "_Score")
class <- as_tibble(class_matrix)
names(class) <- str_replace(names(comp$uni_est), "_UE", "_Class")

6d. Composite IPD score

6d.i. Calculation

Sum the IPD scores for the nine indicator variables to determine the composite IPD score.

score <- score %>% mutate(IPD_Score = rowSums(.))

7. ACS estimates cleaning

There is a specific output format for ipd.csv, including column names, column order, flags for missing data, and census tracts with insufficient data. This section ensures conformity with the output formatting.

Merge the percentage estimates, percentage MOEs, percentile, score, and class data frames into a single data frame called ipd.

ipd <- bind_cols(dl_counts, pct) %>%
  bind_cols(., pct_moe) %>%
  bind_cols(., percentile) %>%
  bind_cols(., score) %>%
  bind_cols(., class)

Rename columns.

names(ipd) <- str_replace(names(ipd), "_CE", "_CntEst")
names(ipd) <- str_replace(names(ipd), "_CM", "_CntMOE")
ipd <- ipd %>% mutate(STATEFP20 = str_sub(GEOID20, 1, 2),
                      COUNTYFP20 = str_sub(GEOID20, 3, 5),
                      NAME20 = str_sub(GEOID20, 6, 11),
                      U_TPopEst = F_UE,
                      U_TPopMOE = F_UM,
                      U_Pop6Est = LEP_UE,
                      U_Pop6MOE = LEP_UM,
                      U_PPovEst = LI_UE,
                      U_PPovMOE = LI_UM,
                      U_PNICEst = D_UE,
                      U_PNICMOE = D_UM) %>%
  select(-ends_with("UE"), -ends_with("UM"))

Reorder columns, with GEOID and FIPS codes first, the following variables in alphabetical order, and the total IPD score and universes at the end.

ipd <- ipd %>% select(GEOID20, STATEFP20, COUNTYFP20, NAME20, sort(tidyselect::peek_vars())) %>%
  select(move_last(., c("IPD_Score", "U_TPopEst", "U_TPopMOE",
                        "U_Pop6Est", "U_Pop6MOE", "U_PPovEst",
                        "U_PPovMOE", "U_PNICEst", "U_PNICMOE")))

At the beginning of processing, we removed the slicer census tracts from processing because their populations were equal to zero. Tack these back on to the dataset.

slicer <- enframe(slicer, name = NULL, value = "GEOID20")
ipd <- plyr::rbind.fill(ipd, slicer)

Replace NA values with NoData if character we'll wait to replace NA with -99999 if numeric.

ipd <- ipd %>% mutate_if(is.character, ~(ifelse(, "NoData", .))) %>%
  mutate_if(is.numeric, ~(ifelse(, 0, .)))

8. Summary Tables

This section generates a handful of other deliverables, including:

a. Counts by indicator b. Breaks by indicator c. Summary by indicator d. County means by indicator

Replace -99999 with 0 for numeric columns to avoid distorting summary statistics.

ipd_summary <- ipd
ipd_summary[ipd_summary == 0]

8a. Counts by indicator

The number of census tracts that fall in each bin. Count census tracts by indicator and bin. Reorder factor levels so that "Well Below Average" appears before "Below Average," and the like.

counts <- ipd_summary %>% select(ends_with("Class"))
export_counts <- apply(counts, 2, function(i) plyr::count(i))
for(i in 1:length(export_counts)){
  export_counts[[i]]$var <- names(export_counts)[i]
export_counts <- map_dfr(export_counts, `[`, c("var", "x", "freq"))
counts <- ipd_summary %>% select(ends_with("Class"))
export_counts <- apply(counts, 2, function(i) plyr::count(i))
for(i in 1:length(export_counts)){
  export_counts[[i]]$var <- names(export_counts)[i]
export_counts <- map_dfr(export_counts, `[`, c("var", "x", "freq"))
colnames(export_counts) <- c("Variable", "Classification", "Count")
export_counts$Classification <- factor(export_counts$Classification,
                                       levels = c("Well Below Average",
                                                  "Below Average",
                                                  "Above Average",
                                                  "Well Above Average",
export_counts <- arrange(export_counts, Variable, Classification)
export_counts <- export_counts %>%
  spread(Classification, Count) %>%
  mutate_all(~(replace_na(., 0))) %>%
  mutate(TOTAL = rowSums(.[2:7], na.rm = TRUE))

8b. Breaks by indicator

The bin breaks for each indicator. Apply the st_dev_breaks function to all percentage values and export results.

breaks <- ipd_summary %>% select(ends_with("PctEst"))
export_breaks <- round(mapply(st_dev_breaks, x = breaks, i = 5, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)
export_breaks <- as_tibble(export_breaks) %>%
  mutate(Class = c("Min", "1", "2", "3", "4", "Max")) %>%
  select(Class, tidyselect::peek_vars())

8c. Summary by indicator

Summary statistics of each indicator. Round results to two decimal places.

pcts <- ipd_summary %>% select(ends_with("PctEst"))
summary_data <- apply(pcts, MARGIN=2, description)
export_summary <- as_tibble(summary_data) %>%
  mutate_all(round_2) %>%
  mutate(Statistic = c("Minimum", "Median", "Mean", "SD", "Half-SD", "Maximum")) %>%
  select(Statistic, tidyselect::peek_vars())

8d. County means by indicator

Population-weighted means by county and indicator. For the most accurate percentage values, aggregate all counts back to the county level and compute percentages. In the export file, counties are referred to by the five-digit character supplied by the user to ipd_counties.

export_means <- dl_counts %>% select(GEOID20, ends_with("UE"), ends_with("CE")) %>%
  select(GEOID20, sort(tidyselect::peek_vars())) %>%
  mutate(County = str_sub(GEOID20, 1, 5)) %>%
  select(-GEOID20) %>%
  group_by(County) %>%
  summarize(D_PctEst = sum(D_CE) / sum(D_UE),
            EM_PctEst = sum(EM_CE) / sum(EM_UE),
            F_PctEst = sum(F_CE) / sum(F_UE),
            FB_PctEst = sum(FB_CE) / sum(FB_UE),
            LEP_PctEst = sum(LEP_CE) / sum(LEP_UE),
            LI_PctEst = sum(LI_CE) / sum(LI_UE),
            OA_PctEst = sum(OA_CE) / sum(OA_UE),
            RM_PctEst = sum(RM_CE) / sum(RM_UE),
            Y_PctEst = sum(Y_CE) / sum(Y_UE)) %>%
  mutate_if(is.numeric, ~ . * 100) %>%
  mutate_if(is.numeric, round_1)

8e. Replacing NA with NoData if character and -99999 if numeric

Now we replace NA with NoData if character and -99999 if numeric so tract 42091206702 doesn't mess up breaks and means by indicator.

ipd <- ipd %>% mutate_if(is.character, ~(ifelse(, "NoData", .))) %>%
  mutate_if(is.numeric, ~(ifelse(, -99999, .)))
ipd_summary[ipd_summary == -99999] <- NA

In addition we extract elements of the GEOID and convert some of the fields to a character data type.

ipd$STATEFP20 <- str_sub(ipd$GEOID20,1,2) 
ipd$COUNTYFP20 <- str_sub(ipd$GEOID20,3,5) 
ipd$NAME20 <- str_sub(ipd$GEOID20,6,11) 

ipd$GEOID20 <- as.character(ipd$GEOID20)
ipd$STATEFP20 <- as.character(ipd$STATEFP20)
ipd$COUNTYFP20 <- as.character(ipd$COUNTYFP20)
ipd$NAME20 <- as.character(ipd$NAME20)
ipd$namelsad <- paste(substr(ipd$GEOID20, 6, 9), substr(ipd$GEOID20, 10, 11), sep = ".")

9. Export

9a. Append to TIGER/LINE file

Using the arguments supplied in ipd_county, download the relevant census tracts and append ipd to them. Uncommenting cb = TRUE will greatly speed processing time by downloading generalized tract boundary shapefiles instead of detailed ones.

options(tigris_use_cache = TRUE, tigris_class = "sf")
st <- str_sub(ipd_counties, 1, 2)
cty <- str_sub(ipd_counties, 3, 5)
trct <- map2(st, cty, ~{tracts(state = .x,
                               county = .y,
                               #cb = TRUE,
                               year = ipd_year)}) %>%
  rbind_tigris() %>%
  st_transform(., 26918) %>%
  select(GEOID) %>%
  left_join(., ipd, by = c("GEOID" = "GEOID20")) %>%
  rename(GEOID20 = GEOID)

9b. Export files

Results are saved in outputs.

st_write(trct, here("outputs", "ipd_2021.shp"), delete_dsn = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)
write_csv(ipd, here("outputs", "ipd_2021.csv"))
write_csv(export_counts, here("outputs", "counts_by_indicator_2021.csv"))
write_csv(export_breaks, here("outputs", "breaks_by_indicator_2021.csv"))
write_csv(export_summary, here("outputs", "summary_by_indicator_2021.csv"))
write_csv(export_means, here("outputs", "mean_by_county_2021.csv"))

10. Metadata table with sources

This is a table of the final output with some additional data such as municipality name and area added but not included in the script.

Variable Concept acs table acs variable data source Source Type Universe Variable
geoid20 11-digit tract GEOID n/a n/a ACS 5-year n/a n/a
statefp20 2-digit state GEOID n/a n/a ACS 5-year n/a n/a
countyfp20 3-digit county GEOID n/a n/a ACS 5-year n/a n/a
name20 Tract and county name n/a n/a ACS 5-year n/a n/a
d_class Disabled percentile class n/a n/a calculated calculated S1810_C01_001
d_cntest Disabled count estimate S1810_C02_001_E acs variable ACS 5-year acs variable S1810_C01_001
d_cntmoe Disabled count margin of error S1810_C02_001_M acs variable ACS 5-year acs variable S1810_C01_001
d_pctest Disabled percent estimate S1810_C03_001_E acs variable ACS 5-year acs variable S1810_C01_001
d_pctile Disabled percentile n/a n/a calculated calculated S1810_C01_001
d_pctmoe Disabled percent margin of error S1810_C03_001_M acs variable ACS 5-year acs variable S1810_C01_001
d_score Disabled percentile score n/a n/a calculated calculated S1810_C01_001
em_class Ethnic minority percentile class B03002 n/a calculated calculated B03002_001
em_cntest Ethnic minority count estimate B03002 B03002_012_E ACS 5-year acs variable B03002_001
em_cntmoe Ethnic minority count margin of error B03002 B03002_012_M ACS 5-year acs variable B03002_001
em_pctest Ethnic minority percent estimate B03002 n/a calculated calculated B03002_001
em_pctile Ethnic minority percentile B03002 n/a calculated calculated B03002_001
em_pctmoe Ethnic minority percent margin of error B03002 n/a calculated calculated B03002_001
em_score Ethnic minority percentile score B03002 n/a calculated calculated B03002_001
f_class Female percentile class S0101 n/a calculated calculated S0101_C01_001
f_cntest Female count estimate S0101 S0101_C05_001_E ACS 5-year acs variable S0101_C01_001
f_cntmoe Female count margin of error S0101 S0101_C05_001_M ACS 5-year acs variable S0101_C01_001
f_pctest Female percent estimate S0101 DP05_0003PE_E ACS 5-year acs variable S0101_C01_001
f_pctile Female percentile S0101 n/a calculated calculated S0101_C01_001
f_pctmoe Female percent margin of error S0101 DP05_0003PE_M ACS 5-year acs variable S0101_C01_001
f_score Female percentile score S0101 n/a calculated calculated S0101_C01_001
fb_class Foreign-born percentile class B05012 n/a calculated calculated B05012_001
fb_cntest Foreign-born count estimate B05012 B05012_003_E ACS 5-year acs variable B05012_001
fb_cntmoe Foreign-born count margin of error B05012 B05012_003_M ACS 5-year acs variable B05012_001
fb_pctest Foreign-born percent estimate B05012 n/a calculated calculated B05012_001
fb_pctile Foreign-born percentile B05012 n/a calculated calculated B05012_001
fb_pctmoe Foreign-born percent margin of error B05012 n/a calculated calculated B05012_001
fb_score Foreign-born percentile score B05012 n/a calculated calculated S1601_C01_001
lep_class Limited English proficiency percentile class S1601 n/a calculated calculated S1601_C01_001
lep_cntest Limited English proficiency count estimate S1601 S1601_C05_001_E ACS 5-year acs variable S1601_C01_001
lep_cntmoe Limited English proficiency count margin of error S1601 S1601_C05_001_M ACS 5-year acs variable S1601_C01_001
lep_pctest Limited English proficiency percent estimate S1601 S1601_C06_001_E ACS 5-year acs variable S1601_C01_001
lep_pctile Limited English proficiency percentile S1601 n/a calculated calculated S1601_C01_001
lep_pctmoe Limited English proficiency percent margin of error S1601 S1601_C06_001_M ACS 5-year acs variable S1601_C01_001
lep_score Limited English proficiency percentile score S1601 n/a calculated calculated S1601_C01_001
li_class Low-income percentile class n/a n/a calculated calculated S1701_C01_001
li_cntest Low-income count estimate S1701 S1701_C01_042_E ACS 5-year acs variable S1701_C01_001
li_cntmoe Low-income count margin of error S1701 S1701_C01_042_M ACS 5-year acs variable S1701_C01_001
li_pctest Low-income percent estimate n/a n/a calculated calculated S1701_C01_001
li_pctile Low-income percentile n/a n/a calculated calculated S1701_C01_001
li_pctmoe Low-income percent margin of error n/a n/a calculated calculated S1701_C01_001
li_score Low-income percentile score n/a n/a calculated calculated S1701_C01_001
oa_class Older adult percentile class S0101 n/a calculated calculated B02001_001
oa_cntest Older adult count estimate S0101 S0101_C01_001_E ACS 5-year acs variable B02001_001
oa_cntmoe Older adult count margin of error S0101 S0101_C01_001_M ACS 5-year acs variable B02001_001
oa_pctest Older adult percent estimate S0101 S0101_C02_030_E ACS 5-year acs variable B02001_001
oa_pctile Older adult percentile S0101 n/a calculated calculated B02001_001
oa_pctmoe Older adult percent margin of error S0101 S0101_C02_030_M ACS 5-year acs variable B02001_001
oa_score Older adult percentile score S0101 n/a calculated calculated B02001_001
rm_class Racial minority percentile class B02001 n/a calculated calculated B02001_001
rm_cntest Racial minority count estimate B02001 B02001_002_E ACS 5-year acs variable B02001_001
rm_cntmoe Racial minority count margin of error B02001 B02001_002_M ACS 5-year acs variable B02001_001
rm_pctest Racial minority percent estimate B02001 n/a calculated calculated B02001_001
rm_pctile Racial minority percentile B02001 n/a calculated calculated B02001_001
rm_pctmoe Racial minority percent margin of error B02001 n/a calculated calculated B02001_001
rm_score Racial minority percentile score B02001 n/a calculated calculated B02001_001
y_class Youth percentile class B09001 n/a calculated calculated B03002_001
y_cntest Youth count estimate B09001 B09001_001 ACS 5-year acs variable B03002_001
y_cntmoe Youth count margin of error B09001 B09001_001 ACS 5-year acs variable B03002_001
y_pctest Youth population percentage estimate B09001 n/a calculated calculated B03002_001
y_pctile Youth population percentile B09001 n/a calculated calculated B03002_001
y_pctmoe Youth population percentage margin of error B09001 n/a calculated calculated B03002_001
y_score Youth percentile score B09001 n/a calculated calculated B03002_001
ipd_score Indicator of potential disadvantage score n/a n/a calculated calculated n/a
u_tpopest Total population estimate B02001 B02001_001_E ACS 5-year acs variable B02001_001
u_tpopmoe Total population margin of error B02001 B02001_001_E ACS 5-year acs variable B02001_001
u_pop6est Population over 6 years of age estimate S1601 S1601_C01_001_E ACS 5-year acs variable S1601_C01_001
u_pop6moe Population over 6 years of age margin of error S1601 S1601_C01_001_M ACS 5-year acs variable S1601_C01_001
u_ppovest Total population poverty rate estimate S1701 S1701_C01_001_E ACS 5-year acs variable S1701_C01_001
u_ppovmoe Total population poverty rate margin of error S1701 S1701_C01_001_M ACS 5-year acs variable S1701_C01_001
u_pnicest Disabled universe total estimate S1810 S1810_C01_001_E ACS 5-year acs variable S1810_C01_001
u_pnicmoe Disabled universe total margin of error S1810 S1810_C01_001_M ACS 5-year acs variable S1810_C01_001
namelsad Geography name n/a n/a ACS 5-year acs variable n/a
mun1 First municipality name n/a n/a calculated calculated n/a
mun2 Second municipality name n/a n/a calculated calculated n/a
mun3 Third municipality name n/a n/a calculated calculated n/a
co_name County Name n/a n/a calculated calculated n/a
state State name n/a n/a ACS 5-year n/a n/a
st_area(shape) Area of a geometry n/a n/a ACS 5-year n/a n/a
st_perimeter(shape) Perimeter of the geometry n/a n/a ACS 5-year n/a n/a